...Gary Dumbauld, High Priest, Hernesgaard Circle
The Circle is cast as usual. All are properly prepared and purified. High Priestess and High Priest pe...
- A Ceremony for the troops in war for safety and victory
- An Eclectic Circle Ceremony - An Issian Circle Casting - Circles, Why Use Them? - Handfasting (Wedding) - Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - Pagan Ritual for Basic Use - Pentagram Ritual - Second Degree Initiation
- Invocation to Baldur - Invocation to Brigit - Invocation to Freyja - Invocation to Freyr - Invocation to Frigg - Invocation to Herne - Invocation to Thorr
- Fireester Beltaine Lughnasadh - Lammas: The First Harvest Mabon - A Mabon Outline - Harvest Home - The Death of LLEW: A Seasonal Interpretation Midsummer - A Midsummer Celebration Ostara - Lady Day: The Vernal Equinox - SPRING EQUINOX CEREMONY Samhain - Harvest Home Ritual - NROOGD Samhain - Samhain Ritual for small circle - The Origins of Halloween |